Snap shots of whats left behind,
this is the second post of the day, shows how bored I am. anyway, went United Square for lunch at Vienna. the food sucked considering the fact that it costs 50 plus bucks per person. was supposed to go Changi resort with the family but decided not to, because I thought I had plans for dinner & was supposed to meet Gerri. well, the plan for dinner didn't carry out & at least I met Gerri. went to town to meet Sophia & Chess, for a mere 15 mins. then, headed to Holland, (: trained to Peninsular after then home.
My bag's still unpacked & I can't wait to leave.

I'm filial.

Mer & Char! (:

you're always here for me, without fail. I wouldn't know what I'd be if it weren't for your scoldings & talkings. I love you,

thanks Sumay, (:

she named her bangs Joy

look at the carvings of Olympic 2008!


I reached the top & got a cert, haha!

Mao Zhe Tong........................

bird nest looking thing,

going home..

emo shit.

school's starting tomorrow & I miss my gf ):
but, I'm happy because I may be able to take business class to Aust, :D
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