The Corner Stone,
You run, I hide.omg Joycelynn! Jeroilslean, so cool right hahaha! you're nuts I swear.
/editwent to watch some retarded girl swim this morning, i almost didn't wanna wake up. plans for Pulau Ubin cancelled, went Sam's place to study. town at 3 cause she needed to chop her hair. I did the most retarded thing, thinking the turkish ice-cream can stick to the cone, I inverted the whole damn thing, haha. well, taka after that for a while then home.

hmm, evidence of her being the total retard (: i still love you so,
W.Y.A.N): I don't think anyone knows why except Sam. I just don't like this kinda thing going round, your may think its nothing but it matters at least to me. hurr nvm.Running in the morning tmr, then Pulau Ubin? I only look forward to the stingray there, haha.Endless trust.
well, sorry about everything. people have different perceptions of things, that i guess both you & I can't escape it. I'm sorry most of those people dislikes me so much so you have to make choices that you hate to. I just think its only normal for us to be spending time together? see, different views again. its getting somewhere at first, now i guess its back at one. we've come to a crossroad, decisions got to be made no matter what but i only see us running away. I'm tired, I definitely am & so are you. oh well, i don't wanna think already gonna sleep now. bye/
I try to go on like I never knew youI'm awake but my world's half asleep.I pray for this heart to be unbrokenbut without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete.Hi I heart tom yum (:day spent with BD, whooooo. had overdose of chocolate today & thats good cause it makes people happy, haha. lets see, chinese Os tomorrow! good luck everyone who's taking! (: Sorry seems to be the hardest word,whispers goodbye.
Hi people,today was great. woke up at 8 though I didn't go to school. met gf sihui & claud at vivo at 1130, studied Chinese at Pacific Coffee, its gonna be chinese all the way till Mon ): left to Stc to meet BD, bus to river valley & apparently the place she's going is not open soooooooo back to vivo, hmm. sat at Starbucks & talked till 630pm, home with Sammm after that. there's ptc tomorrow, like ?! I think its only for my class, hmm. last day of school, lets celebrate Not. first two weeks of June are filled with lessons & last week is mocks )): ugh. I need a happy pill, like very badly.
Thanks Claudia Li for making me :DDD things are rather shitty, you know why so yeah sorry for not visiting you for the past three days! :/ Love you!even before the week ends, I can wrap it up by saying, this week's gonna be fucked up yeah Very. thanks Jiarui for that message, no worries I'll cope even if the whole world turn its back on me (: I'm so looking forward to thursday cause we're finally going wakeboarding & kayaking, I think. I'd still prefer Pulau Ubin! haha. & Not anticipating thurs for other fucked up reason. hmm oh well. well, the reason why I'm not telling anything basically cause I don't wanna quarrel every now & then like we are. you'll think I'm affected by stupid reasons but, come on I have every reason to cause of what I see & hear everyday. this should explain the constant breakdowns if you're wondering why. I've had enough like really, hurr but for you i will.
Maybe one day we can have, One Last Shot.Hi today's Mother's Day, & rehearsal for confirmation. can see my twin in awesome whites haha. I haven't really finished JLC yet, & tmr's the holy paper ): & I just recalled i wrote crap for Macbeth, hurrrrrr. I hate it when someone in this fucked up family just have to criticize My religion & someone's forbidden to go. All thanks to You, who started all this fuckshit, & even implicate someone of due respect. Ugh, I've nothing to say in this anymore cause I don't wanna be part of this argument & I don't want it to fucking further affect my studies, like how it is Now.>:/
so deep, that I didn't even scream Fuck Me.Claudia Li please call me when you see this, you stupid donkey disappeared from my life. I bet you'll forget about our day :/hokay, exams are - . I'm seeing a SAM machine for every paper (: & we sat next next to each other for chem/phy P1, hahaha. how about my reaction was priceless. tomorrow's holy maths P2. oh, & I'm seeing Charlene Renee Keasberry tomorrowwww (: & having 'HOT' date, haha -.- I've got your memory etched in my mind,
Hi You, I've been your supporter, been your friend. I'm not obsessive, well maybe I am, I keep on writing your name over & over again. Your full name stuck in my head, your hysterical screams ; & no, I'm not a freak, its just around You I can't be me. I've got a secret, can you figure it out? I keep seeing your smile over & over again, most of all I love just being near you. I don't know what to say, but I like You in a different way. - "paint me a smile" why not we have a role reversal. Lets break this tonight, no more watching & falling but how about playing & pretend, I've got you close, but you've got me no where. You know I know Everybody knows, why? cause you can't let go the tsap. Both of us know how hard it is, I can't deny mine ain't perfect too. There's a limitation to everything, yeah I've exceeded the time limit. Why don't we hit restart & pause it at our favourite parts? & Hi dad & mum, maybe your should just stop telling me stuffs & instructing me not to tell each other. cause its really driving me nuts. spare a thought for your child, at least. rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ): anyhoooos, meeting Joycelynn! at Cathay to study later. I'm only at 8/21 chapters for Biology, fuckkkkk ):
I guess I remember every glance you shot me,TWIN! how lead can you get lah, haha. I'll call you every night hokay! omg, chem/phy prac was :D chem prac seemed familiar to me cause we did it before, physics was just rolling the wooden thing -.- but still... SophiaLee you're the dumbest I swear, 'heat' become 'keep' :/ BD's coming NOWWWWWW (: thanks Mer about today, you're the best! (:
maybe we could do it again,prata house with Sam Joycelynn & Chess! island creamery after that & I drew BD a rainbow (: -Forever & ever, prac totally sucked cause they tested on CELERY -.- tmr's chem/phy, lets just pray physics won't spoil my mood ): Bye peopleee!

we got a thing going on,