The Corner Stone,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Its tearing up my heart when I'm with you,
But when we are apart I feel it too.

That was then,

Three days of rest didn't feel like its enough. Worked tonight cause I felt bad taking sudden leave again. My time of the month is here & can you imagine cramps plus gastric?! I wonder how I pulled through Hawhaw.

I need that self-discipline there.

Goodnight humans.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is gonna be a major rant post. I can feel my love handles growing on me afterr all the eat sleep routines I had the past 2 days & my tummy's reaaalllyyy bloatedd & hardd. This is reaallyy worrying causee I hate to feel troubled over putting on weight cause yknww losing weight is neverr easy. I can say this is not paranoia cause its reaallyyy NOT. Shit wtf have I done to myselff. I wish I ate on time I wish I never skipped meals I wish my immune system is stronger that I wouldn't have to fall sick twice in a month?! Daaamn the putting on weight shit.

Kay whateverr. I need to run.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush?

Two sessions of rowing today along with the almighty sun was no joke. I seriously think the ozone layer iss worn out or something. I'm beginning to expand sideways which is ratherr worrying. This spells a need to yknw what, eat LESS.

Abandon these thoughts,

Friday, September 19, 2008

Why do I keep running from the truth,
When all I think about is you.

My temparament's reaaallyy atrocious. I hate how I get annoyed at minor issues so easily I need some management on that I need to control :/ Today was town with the same three last night (: Dtf for dinnerr. I need to spend lesser next week already, whats more I haven't been working.

& Hi Happy Pill I guess you'll be reading this. Stop playing your speedtest & calling me a cheaterbug I haven't even played okay haha. Seeee youu sooooon (: Like just this Sunday maybe? Haha.

Let me in,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankyou for sending me home all the way up ten storeys walked past the corridor to the extreme end (: I know I won't be wrong about this.

Now, I must think of a name for W15 hehe. I'm dropping thoughts for SC I realise I was rather rash. Rochor beancurd for supper with P Nobel & Wr after dinnerr with the ladies at market (: I kinda miss working Haha.

I neeeeed to rest my back.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I can even tie it up. Guess. What.

My appetite's really horrendous I think it made up for Sat & Sun haha. No work for me for the rest of the weeeeeek! Kay sleep early dudessss.

Just another girl, who took my breath away.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I fell so fast,
can't hold myself Back.

Happy Birthday Phin.

I saw Claudia today like after 12389172946 years Oh dearr. Missed you.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Do you catch a breath
When I look at you.
Are you holding back
Like the way I do.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm staring at perfection,

I'm sorry.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So happy together,

A moment of thrills I know is the best for me.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I was never wrong about you

Take a look at me so you can see
How beautiful you are.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Taking the transport home from work took me 1hr when I could've actually walked home & save 45min. Hawwww. Tonight's much better I finished everything within an hour & we had so much time to kill Haha. I dread training, be it running or rowing, while having flu it shortens my breath like most of the time hurr.

Rooms & more space for improvements. I want that so badly now I'm halfway gone without even trying. Where's that passion gone to Why is it I don't feel the anxiety to get it done.
Sometimes, I don't know what is it I really want.


I hate insecurities.

Corrinne May's voice is love.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

I took the chance that I'm even at home for two whole days to really think back on how I was. & I'm starting to wonder why I took up this job why I choose to tire myself out just because I knew I'd be heartbroken I needed something to occupy myself why I choose this sport out of so many others & why, why did I allow you to break me.

There's nothing for me to expect except whats in there for me at work What're my plans for the next day When am I meeting up with friends I've not seen for ages How am I to manage my time. I really hate the idea of trying so hard just to be someone I'm not. Yknw many a time, you just feel like being happy, forgive & forget everything else. I did. But the minute I feel unfair, I give up trying to the point when I feel like telling them off. Just a state of confusion playing a bit of mind games & I'm through.


Friday, September 05, 2008

I don't even know my true feelings.

I've updated everything on my lj, I'm so lazyy now.
Hope I'll be well enough to train tomorrow.

Goodnight humans.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Just one reason why I hate you.

Training at Kallang this morning, Suntec for lunch then town with them. I was so drained I wanted to give work a miss. I kinda dislike my job, now that its really stressing me up ttm. I spent 15min complaining to Wr just then I swear the time of the month is coming. My right hand is trembling quite badly now & my wirst is starting to hurt Okay nothing beats what I'm feeling noww.

Goodnight humans. You suck.