The Corner Stone,
You're way too beauuuutiful girl,
yesterday, I met Kelly & Csh at Esplanade. met Gerri after that for mass. I need to go for confession because I haven't been to church for a long time. went to her place for a while after, then walked to Holland, Starbucks. Claud came with us for a while. headed to Sumay's place later on. as usual, we had supper at 12 plus am & that is damn bad because I'll put on more weight which cause me to be overweight eventually. stayed over then home in the noon today.
oh, & Csh was being retarded a few days ago. when she went round prank calling people, haha. it was funny because Gwen almost dialled 999.
okay, & about results. disappointed but what to do.
have a goodnight, bye!
I wanna fall in love with you, all over again.
supposed to be at Stc now with the rest of them, but I have to be home to take care of mummy, :/ I was so scared when my dad called me yesterday & said he was at the hospital with her. but, I still headed to the library. & now, I still don't understand why the librarian had to be so annoying. whatever. anyway, I went to apply for job with Nobel yesterday at Sunset way, (: Csh & Lam were there too! Csh's mad, I would be sleeping if I had a tuition to attend to, haha.
I hope I can get the job, so I wouldn't have to sit & think of what to do for the next day everyday. & the thought that I can't go back to Perth in March is making me unhappy because, I really need to. although Perth is kinda boring but nothing beats having nothing productive to do here.
okay, good day everyone!
I remember all the sweet nothings & the used to bes.
I don't love you,like I loved you, yesterday. I wanna get back to Aussie right now, cause I'm not doing anything productive at all & this sucks knowing everyone's going to school & all I'm doing is waiting for results which is coming out tomorrow. I'm so lazy to upload pictures, haha. whatever, I'm meeting Mer later, (: I can't wait to, cause she makes me :D with her lameness. I miss you, Claud. yes I kinda think you actually forgot about me. I hope you're good now, & never allowing anyone to let you down again.
Sometime I cry so hard from pleading,so sick & tired of all the needless beating.I'm finally backkk, (: met up with Nobel at dempsey's. went to pass Sam something before that then headed to MI to pick Sophia leeeeee! went to Stc after that, & saw many people I haven't seen for ages, (: as usual, we went to town ate & all then celebrated Celine's VERY late birthday. Rachelsng & XYZ were there too! off to holland after for dinner then to Jr's. she's such a spoiler, she claims she knows that I'm back already :/ CLAUDIA LI! hurry meet up! ): & GERRI haha! what a surprise right. I need a job, right now. good day people!
& I hope you're thinking of me too, I went Aero Flying Club this morning & it was awesome. the motion sickness didn't really make me enjoy much towards the end, so I chose not to do landing. did the rest of my shopping today, & I bought a new earpiece, which is the same but its blue, haha. I got my pay! ((: & I got a new polaroid, I feel happy for now, haha. please get home soon, I wish I could reply.
We should be together, eternally. I'm going for plane flying tomorrow, I can't wait. I just bought havaianas for Jr & I today. only after I got them, then I realise the other surf shop has got the Aussie flag one, ): I'm sorry monster I hope you like this as well. supposed to go Mindarie for a night stay but didn't in the end, hopefully tomorrow! Fred Perry's got sale! Mer, you better get your ass to Chinatown on whichever date you're supposed to meet me! haha. okay goodnight wonderful world. I MISS NOVELYN TEOH, ):
I love her,I finally did some exercise today after a long time. went for bike riding & I hate it when it comes to the steep slopes, not that I get to ride downhill all the time. I rode for bloody 1 hr just to get gums okay. the shops here closes damn early & its damn stupid of them to cause they can't earn more, haha. tomorrow's work is gonna be bloody tiring. we're gonna be there from 10am till 9pm, ): Okay, I don't have the mood to blog anymore. I hope you'll feel better soon, ): I LOVE MER the biggest ass ever, (: I miss you & the Seven Long Tongues!
I love Chua Sihui that idiot who saved her name as *ChuaSiHui! (: in my phone before, (: & I miss her, so much! I just sang Karaoke with everyone, & haha the song She Will Be Loved. went for a walk with Prince in the evening, (: & there's nothing much to do here except that I can't wait for Friday, (: Mindarie! haha. I miss training so much, ): like how we used to want everything so much & getting all excited with Rachel Preece, haha. & I feel like running back now. I miss you, & I don't know how to put it through.
I don't like to work anymore, its bloody tiring. I stood there for 6 hours ): went for drives around with Joe for a while then to some Vietnamese restaurant for dinner. I don't really like it though, it taste funny. Watched 27 dresses after that, & omg its bloody nice. I guess its already out in S'pore, haha. eh, no, I think its 27th Jan, haha whatever. Hi Surong, I don't know what's your blog cause it can't access through the name you left there. in any case you're reading this, maybe you can let me know? haha. I miss Sophia, I bet its her who invaded into my msn, haha!
How Far We've Come,I went biking today, & I felt so terrible omg. I'm seriously unfit I can't even ride up the slope, :/ & I ran out of breath, haha! okay, this is embarrassing. went to their other house at Mindarie( I think thats the spelling). played pool there & the view of the ocean from the master bedroom is so beaauuutiful, (: supposed to go horse riding but the bloody trip to that bloody deserted place took an hour & a half, & when we reached, there's only 2 bloody horses -.- so we came back home & I watched Harry Porter on the way back, haha. oh, & we got the High School Musical Wii game. its damn funny, we kept singing the whole evening away. headed for dinner then Kings Park, (: I love it. I think I'm getting my havaianas tomorrow, & Jr's then to work. & Prince's finally coming back, :D goodnight.
I'm finally back at Perth. supposed to go their Chinatown for porridge but just passing by the night clubs & seeing the messy crowds makes us full. Canberra was BORING so we decided to come back earlier. we wanted to sit the hot air balloon there as well! but the timings are like 545 am & 645 am, which means S'pore time 245am & 345 am, which is total madness. took the Business Class back & because its just the domestic plane, the food & seat sucked. I couldn't sleep the whole time, ): I may be going horse riding tomorrow or maybe biking, (: I don't really like horse riding, its so bumpy haha! & Joe says you'll have nice butt shape after that, -.-Vinee's so cute, she thought a) I was in S'pore all the while & b) I'm migrating to Aust & I lie to them abt coming back to surprise them but only coming back after a year, haha! only certain people know exactly when I'm coming back. this is getting exciting. & Jr! you cheater... you wanted to blog it yourself! & you forced me to say " blog it okay", haha! tsk, what a liar...... HAHA! & & I dreamt of those numbers as well! omg, AOML (GUESS). OMG! & I had Krispy Kreme today! (: the original glazed is so bloody nice, & I haven't tried the assorted ones yet. I should get everyone Donut King's doughnuts, they're pretty good as well, haha. goodnight, I miss you.
Kiss yourself goodbye,I hate the internet here, I just blogged a whole chunk & they didn't post it for me. anyway, I've been spending my nights here watching movies online, how boring can the nights be, haha. tomorrow's the Finals for Futsal & well, Western Australia didn't get into the Finals, so we might not go down for it tomorrow, haha! yeah, & I'm sorry everyone if I can't get you all anything from here as I've said because I have to start work as soon as I get back to Perth so yeah, ): I don't even have time to shop myself, hurr also don't bother talking abt driving or whatever, haha. goodnight.
Suddenly I see, how much you mean to me.I think I caused my Aunt to quarrel with my Uncle, I feel so bad now all because of the stupid air ticket. anyway, I went to Burns Beach today! talked alot with my Aunt, the breeze by the sea is so awesome & I love it (: left to Currambine to get some necessity & I might dye my hair Jap black some time next week, haha cause Canberra is really boring. I'm leaving early morning tomorrow & I haven't pack my stuff. oh, & Prince wasn't at home the whole day today & I miss him so much. okay, I need to get new earpiece already & new havianas & new clothes. but, they wanna like turn me into a girly girl & I hate it. its like I can't shop for things that I like, ): okay, goodnight people. & Rachel Sng made me (: so much tonight! Joy: what do you want from here? Rachel: YOU! haha, & Jiarui, I'm gonna get you a new tigger, monster! I'm sorry ):
life here is really boring. its really more like a lifestyle you live, I'm not used to it. walked Prince this morning, then back to realise that the garage's locked. so we had to walk to Woolworth nearby to get lunch. its not that hot today, the wind's rather strong. I practically spent the whole day at home, played Wii again, haha. caught Atonement with Joe at night, & they're all aslp nowww, :/ can I say I take back my words?
Maybe everything's just a dream to me, you weren't real when I'm alive. you fake it easy just to please me, I make pancakes this morning! (: it wasn't that yummy but, well Prince loved it! played Wii the whole time & I got addicted to it. went to work in the afternoon & I'm getting used to it already. started at 449pm & ended at 8pm, how short yeah. home after, & played Wii again. life here is really boring, ): I'm gonna walk Prince tomorrow, then bike to the supermarket to get stuffs to cook for lunch, (: maybe movie in the night with Joe. I'm going to Canberra in 2 days! (: then probably to Sydney too, omg I can't wait. but, I'm sick of flights. they have really good donuts here, & I'm thinking of buying a dozen boxes back, haha. okay goodnight.An old memory found its way back home again, old feelings that I thought I'd lost, have found their way back in.I guess I fooled myself into believing,forgetting you was gonna be easy. Why can't I keep your memory away,
Aust's not bad, very peaceful & quiet, unlike S'pore, (: their Golden Retriever's so cute, he's called Prince! he's quite pervertic cause he loves to lick sensitive parts of me, haha! starting work tomorrow & shopping before that. my Aunt gave me a polaroid WITH FLASH! :D I'm a very happy girl now & she gave me 12 films free, (: goodnight.You think you could get away with it, let me tell you, you can't. You burn, you hurt, you spared no thought& leave me to accept it. Fuck no, you'll never get away with it. well I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure, I guess its really over, I'm finally getting better.
Snap shots of whats left behind,this is the second post of the day, shows how bored I am. anyway, went United Square for lunch at Vienna. the food sucked considering the fact that it costs 50 plus bucks per person. was supposed to go Changi resort with the family but decided not to, because I thought I had plans for dinner & was supposed to meet Gerri. well, the plan for dinner didn't carry out & at least I met Gerri. went to town to meet Sophia & Chess, for a mere 15 mins. then, headed to Holland, (: trained to Peninsular after then home. My bag's still unpacked & I can't wait to leave. Pictures,
I'm filial.
Mer & Char! (:
you're always here for me, without fail. I wouldn't know what I'd be if it weren't for your scoldings & talkings. I love you,
thanks Sumay, (:
she named her bangs Joy

look at the carvings of Olympic 2008!
I reached the top & got a cert, haha! 

Mao Zhe Tong........................
bird nest looking thing,
going home..
emo shit.
school's starting tomorrow & I miss my gf ): but, I'm happy because I may be able to take business class to Aust, :D byeee,