The Corner Stone,
& I can't hold on for too long,the weekend, including Friday night was tiring! went for dinner with the whole family at some place on Fri night, then went over to my Aunt's place to try winter clothes. I glued myself to the sofa for 3 hours with my cousin :/ Saturday,studied at Bukit Merah Macs then rushed down to United Square for dinner at Vienna, the food's good. Joe(cousin) & I made watermelon, honeydew, grape, cherry & orange fondue, haha. ate damn alot then headed to my Grandma's place to watch soccer :/ played like mad, ate talked then home at 3 freaking am ): I just realised whatever Joe studied at Aust is what I study here, we were talking about Bio haha. Today,woke up damn early then fetched them to Taka for brunch. ate like crap again, then headed to Chinatown. walked around OG -.- with Joe. we tried the exercise machine there which makes people look like they're dancing haha. as everyone's legs were aching, we sprint to the massage place & got a foot massage :D it seriously feels like I'm having a holiday. bought more winter stuff after that then left for dinner. the rest are at my Grandma's place having DURIANS! while I'm home with mummy trying out clothes :/ goodnight. HI ESTHER! I DON'T KNOW WHERE'S YOUR BLOG SO YEAH. MISS YOU.
here I go, so dishonestly leave a note. I gave it all, gave my best shot & come to think of it, this probably got somewhere the past few days. I need no more mistrusts need no more cries need no more screams I need just a ouy. hi, my cousin's back againnn! she's so free came back for the third time or so already. not heading to the airport today cause there's school tomorrow! ): if only there isn't Patron's Day Mass. okay I need to start studying cause Prelims sucked. byeeeeeeeeeee lah. For you my only one,
We can be playmates & lovers & share our secret world. I hope you could get along well,Hi Wan An to the max.
Walking away don't solve a fucking thing. Especially when you think a note could do it. I can't believe someone whom I apologised to before is actually doing such things. I was blind. I'm not two faced. even so, what right everyone has to say me? if you all wanna say, please get your damn facts right first & not by looking at how one is. to think I trusted, I fucking did, do & will. I always thought we just need some time to talk things out, everything will be alright but no, cause there's so much more than just that. I know things you think I don't, I know everything I'm not dumb. not only me, someone else who oughts to know, knows too. its really not a fucking good feeling to be kept in the dark about everything, it just keeps the heartache going. but, I'm just willing to keep everything going again, maybe. b u t, you've already made your choice I'm not asking for more too. this really shows alot, thanks for the great memories. you may not feel the same, I may not be everything you wanted, I can give you my all but I know its not enough for you, I never knew how much you loved me as you said so, I will never know whats going on in your mind & what're you really feeling, I'll never trust someone to that extent anymore, you may not see all of this but I really wanted things to go well so I kept quiet & held on. I just needed that little assurance at that moment, just that little bit but you refused to show me. I know, I know it all that I'm never the best for you I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be sorry for giving you all these troubles & instilling more thoughts into your brain I just thought maybe by facing the problem things will be better, at least. but you chose the easy way out, by walking away. thanks for being the best for the past 6 months. take care, yes I love the 7 of them playing charades with them was plain nice. with my psychic & Anissa too (:
Stay close, don't go.hi I'm back, guess for a while maybe? I had a mixture of terrible, weird & unexpected dreams last night. anyway, its the last paper for prelims tomorrow! but not much of a celebration cause the next exam will be in a month's time :/ wayyyyyy to go! I wanna go eat Tiramisu tomorrow (: haha. okay off to hit the books. enjoy!maybe all the priceless moments weren't enough to cover up for my faults.
Swing, swing, swing from the tangles ofmy heart is crushed from a former love. tanning with Sam today, I can't play frisbee for nuts but you know its the wind's fault. left at 2 plus to vivo for food then walk around then its home sweet home. no pictures today, )): now I found some nice top from Topman & I'm tempted to get it first (: so I'll probably get my Ralph Lauren one after this. then probably get new jeans. okay mouth action haha. oh I forgot, Zara Superman boxers too, haha! I talk as if I own a money printing machine :/ SophiaLee you totally disappeared from my life & I don't even know whats going on in your life. we were supposed to go cycling you don't even remember you idiot. see, if not for school I won't even see you at all. study hard, not as if I am lah but still haha. I'm like ): cause I can't watch HSM2 on my damn cable cause I don't have the channel. so dumb right disney channel eh. goodnight say hi to Biology before you sleep (: I don't have the ability to compare. I can't have things my way.
Crash & burn, so, the day yesterday was spent with Sam Charlene Joyceh & Pris. went to the airport to study & we had donuts for company at night. Sam & Char left so we walked around watching planes & guessing which ones are from which country but none took off at that time. sky trained to the other terminal & finally settled at the BK there. studied for a few hours then decided to head to Lido's Macs. rushed to the MRT but we were 2 mins late to the last train so took 36 back to town. studied for a few more hours & had a good laugh at the Macs TV where bored people sent messages & one of it says this : why did the chicken cross the road... to get to the poultry hill, (paul 3 hill) -.- like how lame can he/she gets lah haha. fell asleep for a while then came to a conclusion that we should cab back to my place for sleep :/ today, met Sam & Char & some guy. thanks Char for playing ddr with me hahaha. walked around & Pris joined us. left for home quite early cause my stomach was killing me ): Pris's coming over later like damn late in the night retarded lah haha. pictures will be up probably next year, & I'm off to study B.I.O.L.O.G.Y nowwwwwwwwwwww ): I want the Ralph Lauren polo tee, its so niceeeeee (: okay I hope to get it in 2 weeks haha. oh, & I wanted to go running just now buttttttt, I had to keep Pris company, so ): nvmm, I can run tmr. I haven't been exercising since I stopped training :/ HURR! I'm b o r e d ): goodnight. swing swing swing.
don't ever fucking come running to everyone again in times of need, no one's gonna sympathize with your nonsense, none. if you didn't realise even your close friend is irritated at your fucking lies. don't come saying nothing good will turn out when you know its sooner or later you'll go all soft & down on your knees again. another one, your friends are not there for you to go to & bullshit all that crap then when you have your goodness with you again, you just creep away. you're no different from a girl who have no backbone, yeah can't make up your fucking mind & set your own principles. go, go away & lead your "great" life out there don't come running to your friends, if you even treat them as one, when you have no one. seriously, do some soul searching. why lead your life this way, why stick under someone else's nose & follow just as you do. think about it, if you even have brains for good use. beetch will be too good a word for someone like you, I guess. whatever I'm just fucking annoyed at some crap.
not losing but giving up,caught Suster Ngesot with Joyceh Pris & Lei today (: check out how Pris & I talked during the show covering our ears at the same time haha. there's a small boy who watched the whole fucking movie & didn't scream tell me about it, haha. okay anyway, I'm gonna study tonight & Wed! yay airport haha. pictures up!
I love my mummy (:
not forgetting Laura, definitely.
can make it bimbos, hahaha Saturday night,

still strong,mum: please get something you'll wear one hor don't only buy for one occasionme: yeah pants lah then whatmum: buy a skirt lah you have wedding dinner to attend -.- I don't wear skirts occasionally please. anw I was asking her to shop for white pants with me & she totally screeeeeeeamed at me plus the father, like biased people I can't stand. & after 23 mins : mum: I'm not scolding you but just nervous for you. must everyone's mother like this too? its annoying. like why not save your breath & not screeeeam in the first place, HURR! nervous doesn't have to result in raising your voice. okay I'm just being cranky. but looking at the first picture up there I can't help but LAUGH haha! :Dstill, nothing's done about everything no point apologising knowing you won't do anything about this. maybe you could tell me how you're feeling maybe I'd know what to do instead. I'm seeing my efforts not appreciated I'm seeing myself only falling apart. how I wish my eyes were playing tricks then. goodnight have fun. I'm no exception I'm just ordinary to you like any others.I'm walking away from the troubles in my life, to find a better day. sometimes some people get me wrong, when its something I've said or done.sometimes you feel there is no fun, thats why you turn & run. But now I truly realise, some people don't want to compromise. well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say ...
Wall to wall,out last night with Joyceh & Liwei (: was kinda terrible so not talking abt it. oh well, stayed home the whole of today yay guess what I can be an investigator, I find out about things non-stop. okay not funny. I'm too lazy to upload photos :/ okay I can't be bothered about anything anymore, maybe I mean it this time? I need to hit the gym soon, or maybe the track ): suit yourself girl, do whatever you want.if you want a change I will leave.